all postcodes in TF2 / SHIFNAL

find any address or company within the TF2 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF2 9AA 13 6 52.695718 -2.447185
TF2 9AB 4 0 52.696337 -2.445253
TF2 9AD 3 1 52.695663 -2.442627
TF2 9AE 41 0 52.696728 -2.446263
TF2 9AF 9 1 52.696245 -2.435915
TF2 9AG 6 0 52.696263 -2.443402
TF2 9AH 1 0 52.695371 -2.441544
TF2 9AJ 3 0 52.695308 -2.44141
TF2 9AL 5 0 52.695167 -2.440669
TF2 9AN 40 0 52.695299 -2.436483
TF2 9AP 28 1 52.695783 -2.437109
TF2 9AQ 38 0 52.695441 -2.439532
TF2 9AR 3 0 52.696228 -2.438164
TF2 9AS 3 0 52.695894 -2.438575
TF2 9AT 2 0 52.696073 -2.437746
TF2 9AU 15 0 52.695866 -2.441164
TF2 9AW 4 1 52.695325 -2.438479
TF2 9AX 15 0 52.696421 -2.439468
TF2 9AY 27 0 52.696428 -2.437692
TF2 9AZ 4 0 52.695834 -2.435437